Episode Title:
Twilight Time.
Episode Description:
The Cutie Mark Crusaders are taking lessons under Twilight's mentorship in a weekly event called "Twilight Time". The three decide to take Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon as guests to their next lesson, wanting to one-up Diamond Tiara's showmanship at school, though the two are more excited about meeting the princess. Soon, all of the Crusaders' classmates befriend them, hoping to meet Twilight themselves. As the pressure mounts on the Crusaders, they are forced to bring them all to the next Twilight Time, where they realize that with all the attention they have received, they have forgotten to practice for their lessons. Twilight is disappointed to learn the Crusaders have taken advantage of her popularity and adjourns Twilight Time; however, the Crusaders apologize for what they've done. Twilight forgives them and lets them continue their studies in secret from the other children.