This is a list of programs broadcast by Adult Swim, whether they aired in the past, are currently aired, or are scheduled to air in the future. Adult Swim airs on Cartoon Network, but is classified as a separate entity for the purposes of Nielsen ratings. If all episodes carried a particular rating descriptor (D, L, S, V), that descriptor will be listed. Otherwise, a generic rating without descriptors (TV-PG, TV-14, TV-MA) will be listed as the rating. Normally, the only content descriptor a “TV-MA” show will carry is “V”. The only show to have been rated TV-MA-L is The Office, while the only shows to have been rated TV-MA-S are Stroker and Hoop (“XXX Wife a.k.a. Stroke-her and Boob”), and Neon Genesis Evangelion (“Weaving a Story 2: Oral Stage”).