The concept of the show revolves around Bugs and Daffy living in the suburbs in California with “colorful neighbors” including, Lola Bunny, Tina Russo Duck, Porky Pig, Petunia Pig, Sylvester, Tweety, Emma Webster/Granny, Yosemite Sam, Speedy Gonzales, and more. In the show, each character has a roommate. For example, Bugs and Daffy are living in the same house. The show also features CGI Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner shorts and the “Merrie Melodies”, two-minute music videos showcasing classic characters singing original songs (for example: Yosemite Sam rapping about his anger problems, or as he puts it, “blowing his stack” and Marvin the Martian telling about what it’s like to be a Martian). Each of the episodes center on the characters in the neighborhood, the growth of their relationships, and the exploration of the friendship between Bugs and Daffy.[citation needed]